Month: May 2010

  • Choices

    It was his 75th birthday. His 75th birthday dinner date had cancelled on him three weeks ago. My great guy and I finally had one full day off together on his 75th birthday. We had an opportunity to go fishing on our one day off together on his 75th birthday. “Is there a birthday boy…

  • The Day the Stars Danced

    If only I had known the secret sooner, who knows what might have been these past few work weeks. Had I had known that leaving my house at 26 minutes after the hour meant that I would reach the draw bridge just as the gates went up and the lights turned green, I never would…

  • Living Amongst Ph.Ds

    The bar was sticky with splashed beer and spilled booze. Ashtrays were washed and stacked, except the ones that weren’t. Limes and lemons rotted in the hand-washing sink. Dirty beer mugs lay on their sides in the “wash” compartment. Straws and peanut shells and bev naps and a dime or two were trapped at awkward…

  • Overheard on Mothers Day

    I told both RG Daughter and RG Son that they didn’t have to worry about calling me today, since I had to work. They called anyway, one after the other, as soon as my shift began early this morning. God love them. Thus, I have a measure of hope that they will never have a…

  • She Works Hard for the Money

    Words a bartender never wants to hear: “I’m really broke, so I’ll drink the cheapest draft you have ’till my money’s gone.” Then they ask to bum one of your cigarettes. I understand being broke. I am broke. But if I am going out, I plan for enough money to cover my tab AND a…